
Lasst uns einander unterstützen und inspirieren – für ein sorgenfreies Leben im Hier und Jetzt.

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Alle Publikationen zum Thema Overthinking:

Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen, Methoden und hilfreichen Tipps zur Bewältigung von Sorgen, die aus Grübeln und Überdenken entstehen, ergänzt durch passende Anwendungsbeispiele...

Neue Blogserie für euch:

Grundlage und FundamentGrundlage und Fundament

Über uns - Gemeinsam stark

Wir sind eine Community von Overthinkern in München, die sich gegenseitig unterstützt und kreative Lösungen für ein sorgenfreies Leben entwickelt.

A group of people gathered around a table, where a person in the center seems to be receiving comfort or support. The atmosphere appears intimate and focused, with individuals displaying attentive body language.
A group of people gathered around a table, where a person in the center seems to be receiving comfort or support. The atmosphere appears intimate and focused, with individuals displaying attentive body language.
Three individuals are sitting around a table, deeply engaged in conversation. The central figure has a contemplative expression, while the other two, positioned on either side, appear supportive and attentive.
Three individuals are sitting around a table, deeply engaged in conversation. The central figure has a contemplative expression, while the other two, positioned on either side, appear supportive and attentive.
Several adults are gathered around a young girl, placing their hands gently on her shoulders in a supportive gesture. They seem to be outdoors, with trees and a small building visible in the background. The scene conveys a sense of care and community.
Several adults are gathered around a young girl, placing their hands gently on her shoulders in a supportive gesture. They seem to be outdoors, with trees and a small building visible in the background. The scene conveys a sense of care and community.

Unsere Mission verstehen

Lass dich von uns inspirieren! Entdecke wertvolle Werkzeuge und Bücher, um aus dem Gedankenkarussell auszubrechen und das Leben zu genießen.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Informationen klar, prägnant und wissenschaftlich fundiert zu präsentieren.

Das bedeutet für uns:

1: Jeder unserer Blogartikel startet mit einer zentralen Frage, die zu beantworten gilt.

2: Diese Frage wird in maximal fünf Sätzen prägnant beantwortet.

3: Um das Leseerlebnis zu bereichern, werden die Antworten visuell unterstützt.

4: Zudem legen wir großen Wert auf die Angabe von Details sowie wissenschaftlichen Belegen und Referenzen.

Unser Anspruch:

A group of individuals is seen closely gathered, with one person in focus appearing to be thinking or engaged in conversation. Soft lighting creates a relaxed and intimate atmosphere.
A group of individuals is seen closely gathered, with one person in focus appearing to be thinking or engaged in conversation. Soft lighting creates a relaxed and intimate atmosphere.


Inspiration und Unterstützung für Overthinker in München und darüber hinaus.

Several people appear to be attentively participating in a discussion or meeting, seated in a dimly lit environment with focus on one individual deep in thought.
Several people appear to be attentively participating in a discussion or meeting, seated in a dimly lit environment with focus on one individual deep in thought.
A thoughtful woman with long dark hair, leaning on a cushioned surface, appears to be lost in contemplation. Her hand rests near her face, and she's wearing a black t-shirt. The background is softly blurred with warm lighting, suggesting a cozy indoor space.
A thoughtful woman with long dark hair, leaning on a cushioned surface, appears to be lost in contemplation. Her hand rests near her face, and she's wearing a black t-shirt. The background is softly blurred with warm lighting, suggesting a cozy indoor space.

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Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht! Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Lösungen für Overthinking finden und eine unterstützende Community aufbauen.
